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Gabriel Graham selected for the 2024 Tracy Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Ananya Sen

The Mark Tracy Undergraduate Translational Research Fellowship provides undergraduate students from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign the opportunity to participate in

Tina Barbasch

Shelby Lawson

Decoding decisions of parental stickleback fish

Justine Story

Ananya Sen

Every year, the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology is awarded approximately $65 million in sponsored programs funding.

Darci Edmonson

Ananya Sen

The annual holiday party at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology is widely considered to be a must-attend event, and for good reason.

Erinn Dady

Ananya Sen

Over the past few decades, the food industry has increasingly leaned on the concept of molecular gastronomy—approaching cooking from the perspective of chemistry.

Charles Schroeder

Amber Rose

To solve the problems of today’s society, an interdisciplinary approach to research is necessary.

Evaluating a novel treatment for Alzheimer’s disease using gene editing and fluorescent imaging

Kevin Neumann

Gene editing, brain slicing, and glowing proteins, all in the pursuit of improved treatment for a disease that has befuddled the medical community for years.

Exploring the interactions between archaea and their viruses in extreme environments

Kevin Neumann

Coming into the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Catherine Koterba was a pre-med student with a passion for astronomy.

Kenny Jops

Using mathematical models to explain plant community structures

Joseph Irudayaraj

Ananya Sen

Joseph Irudayaraj (CGD/EIRH) is a Founder Professor in Bioengineering.

Remembering Carl Woese through the Undergraduate Research Scholar Program

Ananya Sen

Every summer, the Carl R. Woese Undergraduate Research Scholar Program helps students conduct research on a full-time basis over the summer.

Joseph Fernandez

Ananya Sen

Joseph Fernandez is a postdoctoral researcher at the Genomics and Eco-evolution of Multi-Scale Symbioses Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana