The AxioZoom is an upright microscope for large fields of view equipped with a color camera for brightfield and a monochrome camera for fluorescence. The AxioZoom is designed to image with magnification between 7x-112x.
Imaging: brightfield, reflected light, and Fluorescence
Objective: Plan-Neofluar Z 1x/0.25 FWD 56 mm, Plan-Neofluar Z 2.3x/0.57 FWD 10.6 mm
Available Camera: AxioCam HRm (mono), AxioCam ICC5 (color)
Motorized Stage in X, Y and Z
Filters: DAPI, GFP, Alexa Fluor 568
Manufacturer: Zeiss
Equipment Model: Zeiss Axio Zoom v16
Location: Room 600, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Contact Person: Austin Cyphersmith, 217-244-9654,