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The Biosystems Design theme engineers microorganisms and plants to help overcome hurdles in health and sustainability.

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Illinois researchers have opened up the AI "black box" to gain valuable new insight about chemistry for solar energy applications. Pictured, from left: Professor Charles Schroeder, graduate students Changhyun Hwang and Seungjoo Yi, professor Ying Diao, professor Nick Jackson and graduate student Tiara Torres Flores.
Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Huimin Zhao will lead a National Science Foundation iBioFoundry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Stephan Lane, left, and Huimin Zhao at the Robotics Showcase and Demo Day.
From left: Nilmani Singh, Jingxia Lu, Zhixin Zhu, and Huimin Zhao
The researchers found that muscle with nerves released more of the brain-boosting factors than muscle without nerves. Pictured, from left: Professor Joon Kong and students Kai Yu Huang, Yujin An and Sehong Kang.
Coralie Salesse-Smith (right) and Steve Long have proven in a model crop that an increase in mesophyll conductance can be engineered, and that it leads to an increase in photosynthesis.