Tracy Crane
Hee-Sun Han (GNDP/IGOH), a Mark A. Pytosh Scholar and an assistant professor of chemistry, has received the Amy L. Devine Award for her willingness to "go above and beyond" to…
Nicholas Wu (IGOH), an assistant professor of biochemistry, has been selected for the new class of Searle Scholars to pursue ground-breaking research in chemistry and…
Tandy Warnow (BCXT/IGOH) and Cecilia Leal (M-CELS), who are both scientists at the Cancer Center, have been recognized for their achievements by the Grainger College of…
Amanda Nguyen
It is projected that by the year 2050, the global food supply will need to increase by 50-80% to keep up with the growing population. Researchers all over the world have been…
Sara Pedron Haba (RBTE), a research assistant professor in chemical and biomolecular engineering and a member of the Cancer Center at Illinois, was recently named a 2022…
Tracy Crane
Known for ground-breaking research blending chemical and biological approaches to address antibiotic resistance, professor Douglas Mitchell (MMG) was celebrated as the John and…
Ananya Sen
When one imagines what 6th-8th grade students might be interested in, these projects may not immediately come to mind: studying metabolism in the Minecraft universe,…
Jenny Applequist
The human brain remains mysterious, and any progress towards solving that mystery may bring enormous benefits. For one thing, millions of people are afflicted with brain…
April Wendling
Plasmids have extensive use in basic and applied biology. These small, circular DNA molecules are used by scientists to introduce new genes into a target organism. Well known…
Aaron Seidlitz
One of the highest honors the campus can bestow, named appointments to chairs, professorships, scholars, and fellows acknowledge outstanding faculty research, service, and…
Ananya Sen
The transgenic papaya “SunUp” was developed in the 1990s and was widely publicized because of its ability to resist the papaya ringspot virus. Although researchers from the…
Ananya Sen
During the earliest months of 2020, COVID-19 seemed like an innocuous event that was too geographically distant to affect the Illinois community. In fact, by March 10th there…