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New tool in the fight against tuberculosis

Researchers at the Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois have developed a way to harness the prodigious quantities of both genomic and metabolic data…

Hyun Joon Kong: Revascularization in Service of Tissue Regeneration

Civil engineering is not the most traditional route to tissue regeneration research, but that is how chemical and biomolecular engineering professor and IGB researcher Hyun…

Doug Mitchell: Removing Bacteria From Between Rock and Hard Place

As bacteria develop resistance to traditional antibiotics and researchers worldwide seek new ones, Doug Mitchell has explored in directions few others have.

Ping Ma: Letting the Data Speak

Cell biology experiments that used to take months now take one day, the number of labs doing bench science has exploded, as have the number of research techniques available and…

Andrew Leakey: Harnessing the Power of Photosynthesis

When school children learn multiplication tables and grammar - before they move on to calculus and physics - they also learn about photosynthesis.

Sua Myong: Shedding Light on Single Molecules

Sua Myong, a member of the Precision Proteomics theme at the IGB, is in the business of shifting paradigms, one molecule at a time.

Nathan Price: Applying systems biology to cell chemistry

As a student, Nathan Price had always preferred “quantitative science,” like engineering, to biology.

Darwin's Playground: Embracing the Creativity of Art and Science

Originally called “the blobs” by Chicago-artist and creator Tony Tasset, the colorful sculptures now known as Darwin’s Playground have become well-known on the University of…

Opportunities to Support

You can support the IGB in two ways: with a current gift, or an endowment. Also known as outright gifts, current gifts provide immediate financial assistance to the IGB.

Brain Gene Expression Changes When Honey Bees Go the Distance

Tricking honey bees into thinking they have traveled long distance to find food alters gene expression in their brains, researchers report this month.

Researchers Awarded $33.9 Million Grant to Study Enzyme Functions

A team of researchers led by University of Illinois biochemistry professor John A.

IGB Theme Leader Elected to American Academy of Microbiology

University of Illinois professor William Metcalf has been elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology, a distinction awarded to microbiologists who have made…