Ryann Monahan
A newly developed laser source and microscope are helping researchers better understand and search for biomarkers indicative of cancer and other diseases, offering new promise…
Lauren Quinn
As the owner of a human body, you’re carrying trillions of microbes with you everywhere you go. These microscopic organisms aren’t just hitching a ride; many of them perform…
Liz Ahlberg Touchstone
Advanced microscope technology and cutting-edge geological science are giving new perspectives to an old medical mystery: How do kidney stones form, why are some people more…
Huan Song
Human teeth are home to many different types of bacteria. This diverse oral microbiome ranges from microbes that are benign or even beneficial to those that can do some serious…
Ananya Sen
Starting from September 2020, six groups of 38 students from Franklin STEAM Academy in Champaign met every Tuesday afternoon after school to conduct research on important…
Lois Yoksoulian
Scientists report that it is possible to detect and predict heat damage in crops by measuring the fluorescent light signature of plant leaves experiencing heat stress. If…
Diana Yates
A new coronavirus test can get accurate results from a saliva sample in less than 30 minutes, researchers report in the journal Nature Communications. Many of the components of…
The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) values equality and respect for every member of its community. Investigators, students and staff from diverse backgrounds…
Ananya Sen
A new study, published in JCI insight, looks at how Brd4, a regulator of the innate immune response, influences diet-induced obesity. The researchers believe that Brd4 could be…