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Where Science Meets Society

Learn More About IGB

The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) is an innovative research institute using cutting-edge genomic practices to tackle large-scale global challenges currently facing humanity.

Food security for a growing population. Effective therapeutic drugs and antibiotics. Automated synthesis of new molecules and proteins. Using a team-based, collaborative science approach, researchers at the IGB are addressing these and other complex issues. Our main areas of research below are each supported by our strong commitment to fundamental science – the pursuit of discovery.

Health & Wellness

Health +

How the genome enhances, affects, or disrupts physical and mental wellbeing.

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Technology & Socety

Tech +

Advancing our capability to shape the world and capacity to understand each other.

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Agriculture & Energy

Ag +

Sustainably feeding and fueling a planet impacted by a changing global climate.

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Outreach & Public Engagement

Outreach &
Public Engagement

Encouraging the public to understand how genomics affects daily life and society.

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May 2024


Image of the Month

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Featured Stories

From left: Chris Mujjabi and Martin Bohn
U. of I. psychology professor Brent Roberts, pictured, and his co-author, University of Toronto psychology professor Michael Inzlicht, argue that psychological science sometimes overemphasizes the role of willpower in human success and well-being. The personality trait “conscientiousness” is a better predictor of success, they write in a new review.  Photo by Fred Zwicky
Illinois researchers have opened up the AI "black box" to gain valuable new insight about chemistry for solar energy applications. Pictured, from left: Professor Charles Schroeder, graduate students Changhyun Hwang and Seungjoo Yi, professor Ying Diao, professor Nick Jackson and graduate student Tiara Torres Flores.
Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Huimin Zhao will lead a National Science Foundation iBioFoundry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
From left: Alex Lipka and Geoffrey Morris
The study team included, back row, from left, graduate student Rebecca Ultrich; chemistry professor Paul Hergenrother; Chris Fields, of the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center, research scientist Po-Chao Wen, graduate student Matt Sinclair; and, front row, from left, senior scientist Hyang Yeon Lee; Jessica Holmes, of the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center; and biochemistry professor Emad Tajkhorshid. (Study lead author Kristen Muñoz not pictured)