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Why do Dyeing poison frogs tap dance?

Ananya Sen

The toe tapping behavior of various amphibians has long attracted attention from researchers and pet owners. Despite being widely documented, the underlying functional role is…

Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread

Ananya Sen

The past attempts of honey bee researchers to inventory the fungal diversity in honey bee colonies revealed that Aspergillus flavus is frequently found in hives. In a new study…

By listening, scientists learn how a protein folds

Diana Yates

By converting their data into sounds, scientists discovered how hydrogen bonds contribute to the lightning-fast gyrations that transform a string of amino acids into a…

DOD Funding Awarded to Pursue Kidney Cancer Immunotherapy

Jonathan King

Hua Wang (RBTE) and Rohit Bhargava (CGD) in collaboration with clinical partners Dr. Kanishka Sircar and Dr. Jose Karam at MD Anderson, received a four-year, $1.1 million grant…

‘Drug Depot’: A Novel Technology for Prevention of Post-Surgical Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Recurrence

Jonathan King

Hua Wang (RBTE), professor of materials science and engineering, published new research in Materials Today Bio demonstrating the development of a novel technology to prevent…

IGB researchers awe Congress leaders with iBioFAB

Ananya Sen

The Computing Research Association, in collaboration with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Carnegie Mellon University, hosted Members of Congress and…

Researchers enhance efficiency of CRISPR-Cas12a system using base Z

Shelby Lawson

CRISPR, (short for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats”), is a groundbreaking gene-editing tool that empowers scientists to finely manipulate DNA,…

IGB Profile - Tina Barbasch

Shelby Lawson

Decoding decisions of parental stickleback fish

Growing up in upstate New York, Tina Barbasch spent countless hours catching salamanders and frogs in her backyard woods…

Nerves prompt muscle to release factors that boost brain health

Liz Ahlberg Touchstone

Exercise prompts muscles to release molecular cargo that boosts brain cell function and connection, but the process is not well understood. New research from the…